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LNCTE – Developing this institute into a center of excellence in the country with global standards

LNCT Group

The institute is successfully meeting the objective of producing skilled manpower of the highest quality who is able to cope up with the challenges of ever evolving industrial needs of the country.The Alumni of LNCT Group are working all across the Globe in Big Multi National Companies.

Today, LNCT Group is one of the Largest and most preferred Educational Group for Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Medical with ISO-9001 certification and NBA accreditation for many Engineering courses.. Bright young students from all across the country are coming to fulfill their dream in this group.

The LNCT Campus at Bhopal is spread over a lush green environment of approx. 50 acres. The campus constitutes of many buildings that houses the academics and research centers. In addition to this, the academic building has tutorial rooms, lecture halls, computer and electronics labs and offices of the administrations and faculty. The campus is fully equipped with facilities like Wi-Fi,central library (digital library, Internet lab), digital classrooms, hostel, mess,Central workshop, Auditorium Sports Ground etc.

  • 1st Self-Financed Institute of M.P. started in 1993-94.
    Branches: B.E.- CSE, IT, EC, EX, EE, ME, EI, Chemical & Civil
    M. Tech. – CSE, IT, Thermal, Power Elex, Control, CTM and VLSI
  • 1st Self-Financed institutes of M.P. to be accredited by NBA, AICTE New Delhi.
  • 1st Self-Financed Institute to have ISO : 9001-2000 certification
  • 1st Self-Financed Institute to have AICTE funded
    -Industry Institute Partnership cell (IIPC)
    -Entrepreneur Management Development Cell
  • 1st in M.P. rated ‘A’ Category by the High Court committee for fixation of fee.
  • 1st Self-Financed institutes of M.P. to have following departments/Chapters/Cells/Clubs:
    – Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC)
    – National Enterpreneur Network (NEN) Chapter for encouraging Enterpreneurship among Students
    – Young Indian Yuva Chapter (An inititative by Confederation of Indian Industries i.e. CII)
    – Student Chapters of IEEE, IE(I), CSI, SAE and IETE
    – Photography Club, Music Club, Raahat Club, Aasvas Club, Quest Nature Club, NCC, NSS
    – Spice Macay Heriatge Centre